Clean Out The Fridge Stir Fry
Today's recipe is the type of recipe everyone should have tucked up their sleeve. It comes in very handy when you are not ready yet to go shopping and you find yourself with a few bits in the refrigerator which are still good to use, but not enough that a person could make a meal of them on their own. I will often find myself with a piece of a head of broccoli, an onion, perhaps a carrot or two, a couple pieces of bell pepper, a tomato, etc. You know what I mean. There is nothing wrong with them but for the fact that there are not huge amounts of them. Its happened to us all, but that doesn't mean that any of these tasty vegetables should go to waste, or that you need dash to the store until you really want to. You can make a delicious, quick and easy stir fry with them by adding a bit of this and a bit of that and a lot of ingenuity! One thing I love about stir fries is you don't need a lot of anything really, not even the protein part . ...